Women of Words

Hull's spoken word performance space with an all-female cast

September WoW with Johanna Boal

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Is it September already? Where has the year gone? This month we welcome Johanna Boal of Beverley to be our guest author at Women of Words on September 7th. Once again we will convene downstairs inside Hull Central Library from 2pm until 4pm. Open mic slots are available for prospective readers on the day, first come first served.  

Johanna Boal appearing at Hull Central Library Sept 7th

Biog: Johanna Boal is a poet and children’s writer, their most recent poetry collection is ‘Fizz and Hiss’ published by Maytree Press in 2020:  ‘Beneath the joyful language filled with images of everyday objects, and the natural world personified, there is a deep sense of nostalgia and understated sorrow, from a writer at one with the order of life.’ 

Their work has appeared in several publications, including Ink Sweat and Tears, Poetry Village, Literary Revival Journal, East Riding High Wolds Poetry Collection, Huffington Post Culture section and a number of anthologies including The Galway Review, The Worktown Poetry Festival. 

Johanna has also been shortlisted in many poetry competitions including York Libraries, Bridport, Poetry Space, The Edinburgh Book Festival and the Darg. ‘Remembering Ellen’ was the author’s first children’s novel published by Pegasus in 2018. 

Please note we that we will once again be downstairs in the main library due to an event taking place in the JRRR.

Women of Words warmly acknowledges the support of Hull Libraries and the continuing opportunity to celebrate female voices, to once more bring talented writers to the attention of our dedicated and knowledgeable audience.

Women of Words is a platform for women writers, set up in 2016 as a response to what was then a male dominated scene. The stage is reserved for women, but men are always and have always been, welcome in the audience. Women of Words are an unfunded organisation, the collective donate their time voluntarily, so are grateful for the continuing donations from our audiences.

Date: Sept 7th

Time: 2pm – 4pm

Where: Hull Central Library, Ground Floor

Find us on Facebook @womenofwordshull and Tweet @womenofwordshull

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